With a poor fuel supply you can experience problems like cutting out after a few minutes of running, overly rich or lean jetting (maybe even seizure if your unlucky enough) and difficulty starting the bike.
The main cause is usually with the entire fuel system on the stock chinese bikes. The rubber/plastic fuel line used isnt particularly fuel safe and degrades really fast as does the stock paper fuel filter because of the 2 stroke oil. Take it off and throw the lot in the bin straight away. Retaining them WILL cause problems and the cost of replacing it all is $20 using the best parts available.
ANNNDDDD heres one i prepared earlier :) This off my pro cag using an SHA style carb. but the setup is still the same. As you see it in the picture is ideal. The run from the fuel tank to the carb is downhill with no loops or kinks which is what i usually see on a lot of bikes And the fuel filter is close to horizontal. if its vertical air bubbles can build up inside it and cut off the flow.
Also make sure that the filter is BEFORE the fuel tap. It takes a while for the vibrations of the bike to work out the air bubbles inside the filter, so if you have the filter after the fuel tap youll always have air in there. Bikes set up like that are always very hard to start.
An extra quality fuel tap is also a good idea. The stock CAG type carbs come with a fuel tap built into the carb. You should drill a hole straight through the fuel tap (remove it from the carb of course) and remove the rubber button inside - replacing the outer part with the tap on it with a blank piece of metal and gasket paper.
Make sure its easy to get too as well, and that the filter is easily visible to see if you still have fuel. its surprising how often you get caught out by that :P
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